Faculty of Education

Preschool Teachers Training Program

Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği Programı

In certain developed countries around the globe, participation to preschool education reaches to 100%. One of the important developments over the past few years in the education sector in Turkey is the increase in the overall participation rate of preschool education.

The 0 - 6 age period, which is considered as the most crucial period of life, is the preschool period when the basic development occurs in the life of the individual. Children who gain their first basic habits in a family environment, usually have the opportunity to be with their peers in a rich learning environment in the preschool education institution where they start at the age of 3.

The teacher who first encounters the children starting the pre-school education institution undertakes a very important task. Preschool teachers consider children's acquisition of knowledge and skills in a developmental framework; they are one of the most important people for children of this age with the environment they created and activities they implement.

Accordingly, the education we wish to provide in the Department of Preschool Teaching is a comprehensive education, which aims to train teachers who have solid and up-to-date knowledge of the field, know effective methods and techniques in child development and learning, enjoy working with children, know how to learn from children as well as teaching them about life.

The purpose of this program that we plan to implement is to meet the increasing need for teachers by training qualified professionals who can produce and transfer knowledge in the field of pre-school education that parents also care about, deem necessary, and wish to contribute in Turkey.

We aim to train individuals, besides being educated and self-confident educators, who can contribute to the field, have an ongoing motivation for learning and teaching, have the necessary knowledge in pre-school education, have the capacity for teamwork, can share their knowledge, have effective communication skills, and have a desire for lifelong learning. We also aim to meet an important need in this field by training professionals who play a role in the first school experiences of children.

Our graduates can work as "Pre-School Education Teachers" in private or state education institutions and as managers in preschool education institutions. In addition, our graduates can become academics at various universities by obtaining master's and doctorate degrees.

Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science