Eğitim Fakültesi | Sınav Takvimi

Eğitim Fakültesi

Sınav Takvimi

Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
GPCP 101 7.01.2020 10:30 316 Dr. Aslı EYRENCİ 
 Introduction to Psychology
GPCP 103  6.01.2020 14:30 316 Dr. Ozan EREN
Cultural Anthropology
EDUP 101  6.01.2020 09:30 316 Dr. M. Onur CESUR
Introduction to Education
EDUP 103 13.01.2020 13:30 316 Prof. Dr. Suat ANAR
 Educational Sociology
BİL 157  15.01.2020 13:00 Lab 412 Dr. Levent YALÇIN
Information Technologies
ALM 111  9.01.2020 14:30 316 Lect. Yıldız ÇETİNER
Foreign Language I
TRD 155 03 3.01.2020 16:00 316 Lect. Tülin GÜMÜŞ
 Turkish language
ATA 153 06  2.01.2020 16:00 316 Dr. Aslı Nur Sencer
Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution
For Students Enrolled Before 2018-2019      
Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
Expository Reading and Writing
SPE 205 3.01.2020 11:00 306 Lect. Aladdin KARACAN
 Special Education 
2. GRADE        
Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
EDUP 201 9.01.2020 09:30 316 Dr. Mustafa Onur CESUR
Principles and Methods of Teaching
EDU 201 01
Principles and Methods of Teaching
GPCP 203 14.01.2020 13:30 316 Dr. Betül TANACIOĞLU AYDIN
Learning Psychology
PSY 288
Learning Psychology
GPCP 205 08.01.2020 10:30 309 Assoc. Prof. Ferzan CÜRUN
Social Psychology
PSY 392
Social Psychology
GPCP 207





Assoc. Prof. Eylem Deniz HOWE
Basic Statistics
EDU 496
Educational Statistics
GPCP 201 2.01.2020 13:30 316 Prof. Dr. H. Nermin ÇELEN
Developmental Psychology II
PSY 267
Developmental Psychology -II
GELC 482   Son ders saati ve dersliğinde Dr. Tuna YAZICI
Art and Esthetics
GPCP 465 7.01.2020 15:00 316 Dr. Gökçe GÜVERCİN SEÇKİN
Adult Education and Life Long Learning
EDUP 487 13.01.2020 10:30 Ödev teslimi Dr. M.Onur Cesur
Museum Education
Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
GPC 303 Ödev teslimi     Dr. Betül TANACIOĞLU AYDIN
Principles and Techniques of Counseling
PSY 290 2.01.2020 09:00 316 Dr. Betül TANACIOĞLU AYDIN
Personality Theories
GPC 305 3.01.2020 14:30 316 Lect. Hacer OCAK
Vocational Guidance and Counseling
GPC 301 8.01.2020 15:00 316 Lect. Seda AKDEMİR
Life Periods and Adaptation Problems
Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
GPC 409  8.01.2020 13:30 316-309 Lect. Nesteren GAZİOĞLU
Psychological Testing
EDU 407  6.01.2020 10:30 316- 309 Dr. Gökçe GÜVERCİN SEÇKİN
Scientific Research Methods
GPC 426  Blackboard ödev teslimi     Dr. Emine AYYILDIZ
Learning Difficulties
GPC 419  Ödev teslimi 10:30 Öğr. Üyesi Odası Dr. Gökçe GÜVERCİN SEÇKİN
Society Service Practices
EDU 411  09.01.2020 11:00 316-309 Dr. Şahin ÇETİN
Educational Management
GPC 424 01  2.01.2020 15:00 309 Lect. Ayşe ÖZALKUŞ ŞAHİN
Individual Counselling Practice
GPC 424 02 Ödev teslimi 10:30 Öğr. Üyesi Odası Dr. Betül TANACIOĞLU AYDIN
 Individual Counselling Practice
ELECTIVE COURSES (For Students Enrolled Before 2018-2019)    
Lecture Date Time Class Lecturer
GPC 306  10.01.2020 10:30 316 Lect. Erkin ÜNALAN
Psychopedagogical Study of Films
GPC 421 3.01.2020 09:30 316 Dr. Alper ÇUHADAROĞLU
 Sexual Education
GPC 313  2.01.2020 10:30 316 Lect. Ayşe ÖZALKUŞ ŞAHİN
Relations Within Family and Communication
GPC 410 10.01.2020 09:30 316 Lect. Didem ALTAY
 Posttraumatic Interventions in Psychological Counseling
GPC 318 01  09.01.2020 09:30 309 Lect. Begüm ÖZDEMİR
Contemporary Issues in Developmental
GPC 440 7.01.2020 13:30 316 Dr. Gökçe GÜVERCİN SEÇKİN
 Seminar on Adulthood: Adult Development and Learning 
Düşüncede Özgür, Eğitimde Çağdaş, Bilimde Evrensel