Women's and Family Studies Application and Research Center

Useful Links


Useful Links:

International Organisations:

UN Woman http://www.un.org.tr/tag/un-women/

European Commission Gender Equality https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/gender-equality_en

UNESCO Priority Gender Equality https://en.unesco.org/genderequality

UNESCO Gender-Related Chairs https://en.unesco.org/genderequality/chairs-and-networks

Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) https://www.coe.int/en/web/istanbul-convention/grevio

Centres and Units at Universities

Ankara University Unit for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Assault (in Turkish) http://cts.ankara.edu.tr/

Ankara University Women’s Studies Center http://kasaum.en.ankara.edu.tr/

Atılım University Women’s Studies Center https://www.atilim.edu.tr/en/kasaum  

Bilgi University Human Rights Law Research Center https://humanrightscenter.bilgi.edu.tr/en/

Boğaziçi University Committee of Sexual Harassment Prevention  https://citok.boun.edu.tr/ten

Hacettepe University Women’s Research and Implementation Center (HUWRIC)   


Kadir Has University The Gender and Women's Studies Research Center        https://gender.khas.edu.tr/ten

KOÇ-KAM and UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development https://kockam.ku.edu.tr/en/

Sabancı University SU GENDER Center https://sugender.sabanciuniv.edu/en  

Public Institutions and Organisations

Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services Directorate of Women Status (in Turkish) https://www.ailevecalisma.gov.tr/ksgm

Grand National Assembly of Turkey Commission of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (in Turkish) https://komisyon.tbmm.gov.tr/faaliyetler.php?pKomKod=865&pIslem=

Non-governmental Organisations

No! To Domestic Violence http://www.hurriyetkurumsal.com/en/NSocial-Responsibility/ Pages/NNo-To-Domestic-Violence.aspx

Sex Education Research Center https://www.ceid.info.tr/

Foundation of Women’s Solidarity http://www.kadindayanismavakfi.org.tr/

Women’s Labor and Employment Initiative Platform http://www.keig.org/?lang=en

Women’s Labour Assessment Foundation http://www.kedv.org.tr/

Women’s Human Rights-new Solutions Foundation (in Turkish) http://www.kadinininsanhaklari.org/

Legal Support for Women Association (in Turkish) http://www.kahdem.org.tr/

Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation https://www.morcati.org.tr/en/

Useful Info:

Guide For Gender Sensitive Communication

The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against (CEDAW) (in Turkish)


European Council Convention on the Prevention and Combating Violence against Women and Family Violence (Istanbul Convention) (in Turkish)


UNESCO Gender Reports


World Economic Forum, The Global Gender Gap Report 2018


Implementing Regulation on the Law No. 6284 on the Protection of the Family and the Prevention of Violence against Women (in Turkish)


Implementing Regulation Amending the Implementing Regulation on the Use of the Right to Employment Under the Law No. 2828 and the Social Services Law (in Turkish)


Kadir Has University, Gender Sensitive Use of Language


Gender (In)equality in Higher Education in Turkey 1984-2018 Report (in Turkish)


Mapping Sexual Harassment Toolkit


Perception of Gender and Women's Studies in Turkey-2019 (in Turkish)


Related Articles in Turkish Constitution:


Everyone is equal before the law, without discrimination due to language, race, colour, gender, political thought, philosophical belief, religion, sect and similar reasons.
Women and men have equal rights. The state is obliged to ensure this equality. The measures to be taken for this purpose cannot be interpreted as contrary to the principle of equality.
The measures to be taken for the widows, orphans, the disabled, the orphans of the war and duty martyrs and veterans are not considered against the principle of equality.
No person, family, group or class shall be granted privilege.
State organs and administrative authorities have to act in accordance with the principle of equality before the law in all their actions.

Disciplinary Regulations for Administrative and Academic Staff at Higher Education Institutions, Stopping Career:


i- To distinguish between language, race, gender, political thought, philosophical belief, religion and sect, to act in a manner that targets the benefit or harm of individuals in the fulfillment of the task,

Disciplinary Regulations for Students at Higher Education Institutions:

Disciplinary offenses that require a suspension from the higher education institution for two semesters

ARTICLE 8 – (1) Actions requiring suspension from the higher education institution for two semesters are as follows;

b) To prevent students from benefiting from higher education services by using force and violence against students,

e) Sexual harassment in higher education institutions,

Disciplinary offenses requiring expulsion from higher education institutions:

Disciplinary offenses that require dismissal from the higher education institution:

ARTICLE 9 – (1) Actions that require punishment from the higher education institution are as follows;

ç) Violating their sexual immunity through sexual behaviors on their bodies.