Health, Culture and Sports Department

Student Clubs


University years are the most beautiful and powerful years of human life and are a very important period in which one can realize her/his dreams. Students organize social, cultural and sports activities with the student clubs they have established in different fields and participate in the organized activities.

Since its establishment, our university has hosted hundreds of national and international events with the support of the Board of Trustees and our Rectorate, and many of these events have been realized with the devoted efforts and contributions of student clubs and student councils.

Student clubs, which continue their activities within the Health, Culture and Sports Office, participate in the activities they organize in the University campus, as well as in other cultural, social and sports activities organized under the Higher Education Council (YÖK).

Our students also host or participate in academic, social, cultural and sports events in cooperation with other national and international universities.

CLICK for Maltepe University Student Clubs / Communities Directive