Graduate School

Specific Admission Requirements

  • The candidates of the graduate programmes  are required to have an undergraduate diploma. If the candidates have not graduated yet at the time of their application, their application will be accepted on the condition that they are required to submit their diploma or their graduation certificate by the time they start the programme. Candidates with diplomas from other countries are required to submit the equivalency certificate that they obtained from the Council of Higher Education.
  • Post-Graduate Education Entrance Exam scores (ALES) of candidates must be at least 55 standard points. This can be upgraded by University Senate. The scores of the candidates who have GRE or GMAT result certificates which are accepted as equivalents of ALES by the Council of Higher Education are calculated on the basis of the equivalent score table published by the Council of Higher Education. Those who have completed a master's degree programme and who have applied to another graduate programme again will not be needed ALES score from those who have ALES score required by the programme they are applying for and who have stopped studying at most one semester.
  • English proficiency exam grades are not a requirement for entrance to the graduate programme except for applications made to foreign language teaching programmes.

The evaluation of the candidates are is conducted by the relevant programme heads and managed by the Social Sciences Institude and.

  • Candidates may be interviewed by the recommendation of the department and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Institute. When the evaluation is done in this way; success rankings are made among the candidates according to the calculated score, taking 50% of the ALES score, 25% of the average of the undergraduate grade and 25% of the interview exam result.
  • In cases where interview exam are not held, success rankings are made among the candidates according to the score calculated by considering 50% of the ALES score and 50% of the undergraduate grade average.
  • In the equality of the scores, ALES and equavelents of ALES scores are taken into account.  When the equality is stable, the average of undergraduate grades (GPA) are considered.
Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science