Graduate School

About the Programme


MBA Programme of Business Administration has started to education in 2006-2007 academic year in the Institute of Social Sciences and continues to guide students for business life. Moreover, the programme organizes seminars within the department and forms a discussion platform with sectors about contemporary problems and applications of business life.

MBA Programme of Business Administration guides executive candidates for various positions and functions of business life. Graduate students of this programme have job facilities in the departments like finance, marketing, human resources, production and accounting.

The aim of this programme is to improve the students’ abilities and knowledge with the courses from both theory and practice.

MBA program is not only limited to the students who have BA degree in business administration or economics but also it welcomes graduates from various fields of study.


We aim to make difference with our alumni by melting our institutional experience and resources with the approach focusing on modern management applications taken business life as a stakeholder. With this understanding we aim to equip the students as management professionals who contribute the development of business life, learn how to learn, and use creative and interdisciplinary management approaches with contemporary management applications.


We aim to educate our students as management trainee who identify modern business problems and develop solutions for these by enhancing their intuitive decision making abilities on analytical basis. Hence our vision is to contribute businness life by educating our students as professionals who are equipped with necessary knowledge and abilities such as making right decisions in times of crisis.

Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science