Faculty of Communication

International Student Congress MUSIC-HUMUS 2022 About Application


Preparations for the International Student Congress  MUISC 2022 (Maltepe University International Student Congress), organized by our university every year, are starting. We look forward to the contributions of you, our esteemed students, within the scope of the HUMSOS (Humanities and Social Science) congress, which will be held this year with the coming together of five faculties, just like last year.

Apart from the duties that require speaking English, such as the President and the Secretary General, you can also take part in teams such as design, shooting, social media, and technical support.

Students who want to join the Faculty of Communication Student Committee should fill out the application form below and send an e-mail to the address [email protected], until 17.00 on Thursday, November 11th.

Students who have made their application must also attend the interview that will be held on Friday, November 12 at 11:00 am on Blackboard.

Faculty of Communication Congress Student Committee Application Form

Interview Link: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/036dc3ed20214b33a2499d5271a6434c

Free in Thought, Modern in Education, Universal in Science