Maltepe University Application and Research Center on IT and IP Law

Objective and Activity Area


Objective of Our Center

The objective of the center is to conduct scientific research, studies, applications, education, teaching, and documentation activities in national and international, private and public law areas related to Technology and Intellectual Property Law. The center aims to collaborate with official and private organizations related to its fields of work; to guide scientific research and studies according to the needs of practice, and to ensure the adoption of the results of scientific research and studies in practice.


The center's areas of activity include:

a) Conducting and commissioning research on Technology and Intellectual Property Law, preparing reports, running projects, and publishing in these areas.

b) Organizing conferences, symposiums, seminars, and similar activities related to national and international issues of Technology and Intellectual Property Law.

c) Collaborating with national and international, official or private organizations active in different areas within Technology and Intellectual Property Law, as part of the center's objective, in accordance with relevant legislative provisions.

d) Developing and implementing programs aimed at the in-service training of professionals working in sectors directly or indirectly related to Technology and Intellectual Property Law, and at the widespread application and development of Technology and Intellectual Property Law practices.

e) Monitoring developments in Technology and Intellectual Property Law, especially in international and European Union legislation, as well as regional regulations, to assess the status of Turkish Law and to conduct comparative legal studies and harmonization.

f) Establishing a documentation center within the center related to Technology and Intellectual Property Law.

g) Engaging in activities to encourage university students to conduct research on Technology and Intellectual Property Law.

h) Publishing in Turkish or foreign languages to achieve the center's objective, and preparing and publishing the center's publications.

ı) Utilizing local and foreign experts in the research, studies, and educational activities to be conducted in line with the center's objectives.

i) Engaging in all kinds of activities related to the objective of the center